While living in London, French artist Lili Phelouzat first started as a visual artist, experimenting with paintings and drawings, she has exhibited in the UK and France and sold in places around the world.
She was also a co-founder and designer at Mimai Lazulite, a creative duo which designed and produced glass pieces using the verre églomisé technique. The possibilities of the material became a revelation. The duo were selected to exhibit at the London Design Festival, Manchester art Fair, London Design Fair, and Clerkenwell Design Week and invited to collaborate with design boutique shop Mad Atelier, and produced bespoke pieces for private homes around the UK.
Lili is now based in Barcelona, Spain.
“Concrete Reflexión is a continuation of Mimai Lazulite on a smaller, more intimate scale, a one woman show. I took elements of each of my practices and techniques learned along the way to create this collection of small objects. My inspirations are varied, patterns and geometric abstraction, the Memphis movement, artists like Bridget Riley, Tomma Abts or the minimalist movement. I also wanted to bring another dimension, another material to the glass piece as to put a new light onto it. My partner, passionate about everything related to concrete (she adores Le Corbusier, I can't tell you how many of his architectural works we have visited!) as well as succulents, asked me to make a few concrete pots to accommodate her growing collection of plants. The rest, you know it, it's called Concrete Reflexión. "